Sunday, December 11, 2016

Divorce is hard

This week we talked about divorce. This is a very sensitive subject for me because my parents got divorced when I was young. I grew up with my mother working really hard to provide for my 8 siblings and i. My Father helped out every once in a while, and we were able to see him every other week. But he was never really involved in my life.

I don't think very many people realize what a difference it makes to have a father in the home. When I would go to my friends home I would see their family unit and how it functioned. A lot of them didn't appreciate their father because of the athoritative role he played,  but the thing they didn't realize is that  that is good for them.

Studies have show that children the grow up without a father are more likely to rebel or get into sexual trouble when they are in their teens. In my class they said that children have a harder time forming emotional attachments and it's easier for them to freely give physical attchment.

Those are just a couple things, there is also the stress that comes with financial and housing problems.

When people get divorced, it affects more than just the husband and wife, it effects your whole family. So appreciate what you have if your parents are still married. If they are divorced, understand that everything will be ok, life progresses and you can overcome any challenges.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Needs of Children

I think it is very interesting how physical contact can affect people. When you are a child having contact with parents is really essential. There was a example given of a hospital with two nursery's with babies. These two different nursery's had two very different results. In one wing, the majority of the Babies would stay healthy and be able to home with their mothers. In the other wing, most of the babies would get very sick, and even not live. The doctors could figure out why there was such a difference between these two nursery's. They tired everything they could think to change the situation, they rotated the doctors, nurses, even the janitors. Nothing made a difference.

Then one night a doctor went into the nursery with the more healthy babies, and he saw and elderly woman cleaning there. She would clean for a little bit, and then she would pick up one of the babies and hold it and talk to them. Then she would clean for a little bit, and repeat the process with another baby.  After seeing that, the doctor changed that woman's shift so she was working in the other nursery.

There was a significant change in the health of the babies. The babies in the nursery she was moved got more healthy, and the one she was moved from got worse.

Do you think this woman was magical? Or was it because of the physical contact she was giving the children?

Babies and children are affected more by physical touch than we all realize. Those babies were more immune to sicknesses just because they were given that small contact. It can also affect the way they behave and act toward others.

If you are a parent, hold your children and show them that you love them. It could improve with health and their behavior.