Sunday, September 25, 2016

Trends vs. Eternal Families

As a Member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I have strong belief in the importance of family.

Gods plan for each of his children is a perfect plan. It is perfect because he is a all knowing and perfect being himself. He created this plan and the world for our benefit because he loves us and wants us to progress. We have the capacity to progress into something incredible.

He set guidelines for each of us to follow to that we wouldn't be messed up or tempted more than necessary. Also so that we can gain blessings that God wants to bestow upon us.

Some of these guidelines are not having sexual relations before you are married, not living with someone before you are married and also that we keep our marriage covenants sacred. This means working with your spouse through problems and growing together. These simple tasks can save so much hurt and pain.

As you look at the world today and even in the past, it is fairly easy to see certain trends happening. Such as living together before you are married and having sex outside of marriage. These things lead to even bigger problems such as single parents and a higher chance of divorce.

It has been proven that children with a stable home (married, loving parents) are better off than children who dont. No wonder the world is changing for the worse, all these children are growing up in broken homes. If these children cant grow up in a stable home, how are they expected to be able to create stable homes for their own children.

Of course there are exceptions to every case. Just because someone grew up in a bad home doesnt mean that they will be bad as well and continue the pattern, but it sure doesn't help their changes either.

I know there is a reason God patterned his plan the way he did, it is for our benefit so that the world can be a better place. This plan is to hold the power of creation sacred and marry for time and all eternity So that each of your families can be eternal.

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