Saturday, October 1, 2016

Roles of the Family

Being a part of a family is a really neat experience. The thing I find most amazing about a family is how well they function together. Here is all these different people, with different characteristics and personalities living together under one roof. Even more importantly they function as a whole, helping and serving one another.

The reason the family is able to function so well is because each of the members have their own roles to play. In an ideal family the Dad would be there to provide for the family so that the Mom would be able to be home and care for the children. Each of the children have their own individual roles, depending on what the family really needs. It could be to provide comical relief in stressful times, but everyone has their own part to play.

Unfortunately all families are not ideal. For example, I grew up with a single Mom and 8 older siblings. My Mom wasn't able to stay home with us all the time, she had to be the bread winner and keep a roof over our heads. That meant that my older siblings had to take on more of the mothering part of the family, so us younger kids grew up with our mom and also our sisters being the mother. We all pitched in to keep the house clean and to prepare the meals so that food could be on the table when my Mom got home. We were able to work really well and have a wonderful family 

My point is that every family unit is unique. No one family is ideal, but we all function the way we need to because we each play a role to keep it that way. No matter the size or shape of your family, you get what you need. Every family had their own problems, so I'm not saying that every family is perfect. I am saying that it has the potential to be pretty close if everyone does their part and supports one another.

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