Monday, November 28, 2016


Fatherhood is really important. without the father in the home there can be such a difference in how the children are raised. I am not saying that single mothers arent capable of raising good kids, I grew up with a single Mother and I think my siblings and i turned out great. But if i would have had a Father in the home, there would have been a lot more stability in our family.

coming from a girl that grew up without a Dad, having a Dad is really important. You kinda dont realize how much they do for you until you don't have one anymore. I would always see my friends Dads and all they do, and my friends would even complain about how protective their Dads are. But they are that way to keep you safe.

There was an article that we read for class that said

"Men are a bit more skeptical than women that a single mother can do as good a job raising a child as two 
parents can, and men are more likely to say an increase in the number of single mothers is bad for society."

I dont think that means men are sexist and saying that women cant do as good of job as them, but they know their role in the family and that is to provide and protect. 

Appreciate your Fathers and everything they do for you. 

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