Saturday, November 12, 2016

You are a Daughter of God

This week we talked about a very sensitive subject in class that may be hard for many of you to hear or think about. we talked about a young girl who was molested and sexually abused by her older brother. It may seem hard to fathom, or believe that could really happen. But it does.

The aspect I wanted to talk to you about today was the after effects of sexual abuse in these girls. ( the particular girl we talked about had a happy ending where she was able to move on and forgive her brother). There are many situations where there are underlying effects of this abuse. My teacher talked about how many times these girls are dawn into relationships where similar things happen. I asked him if they consciously do that, or if they subconsciously make that decision. He told me that obviously any girl wouldnt want to be in that type of situation or relationship again. and there are several factors why it happens.

I began thinking myself and come up with my own theory. Do not take this as fact or that its me saying this is why many girls find themselves in sexually abusive relationships. I believe that when these young girls are molested, their view of their body can change. I becomes a less sacred and clean thing. So when men want to take advantage of her body in the future, she has already been desensitized and doesn't view her body as something she should protect cause it has already been corrupted.

I want tell you girls though, just because this has happened to you, doesn't mean your body is any less sacred and should demand as much respect as any other girl. You are a Daughter of God and he loves you.

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