Sunday, November 6, 2016

Re connection, good or bad?

Social Media is a fun and distracting tool. It is very convenient when you have time to kill to just pull out you phone and get on Facebook, Snap-chat or Instagram. We are able to see what people in out lives have been up to, and keep that small connection to our friends even though we cant be with them all of the time. Will all of those benefits, what could the drawbacks be?

Sometimes reconnecting with old friends is not always a good thing. Especially when you are married and are able to reconnect with and old fling. It would be really easy to let that excitement take you somewhere you shouldn't be. Even when you are just taking to them a lot, that takes away from your desire to talk to your spouse and share your day with them.

Even when you confide in your friend more than you do your Spouse, that creates a rift between the two of you. You should always want to talk to your significant other first and foremost. they should be the most important people in your life, your best friend and companion. you should never let the convenience of social media or reconnecting with old friends detract from your marriage.

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