Sunday, October 30, 2016

Sharing is Caring

As I went through this week, I learned some very interesting concepts in my Family Relations class. Mostly I learned how hard marriage can and will be. It isn't all rainbows and butterflies, or happily ever after once you say "I Do". It is a lot of hard work. You are working together to pay the bills, do the housework together and most importantly you are working to stay in love with each other. When you are in a relationship, it is really easy to only look at your own side and say that the other person isn't doing enough to keep the relationship going. When you look at it that way, you make misconceptions about the person you are in love with and other things will build off those simple misunderstandings until it isn't just a small stone between you, it is a boulder. It is very important in these situations to communicate with each-other, from the very beginning. When both of you are talking and discussing ways that you can overcome your problem together, it helps you build more trust and love for each other.

Dont get me wrong, just cause you tell your wife or husband what is bothering you doesn't mean it is magically going to just disappear. it is going to take a lot of humility and work from both of you. you have to be able to work together to solve the problem and then through that work, you will be able to grow closer and understand each other better.

There are so many different transitions that you have to go through when you first get married. such as learning to share everything, you no longer have separate lives. meaning your finances are the same, your living space is the same, your stuff is the same. not only do you have to share all of your stuff, but you have to share your time.

Learn to share and compromise with your partner, and as long as each of you are dedicated to working together, things should be able to work out.

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