Saturday, October 15, 2016

We are Unique

I feel like gender equality is taken way out of proportion sometimes. There are people that want to make men and woman equal, but they are doing it in a way that they are taking away what makes people unique. Men and women are different, we are different physically, emotionally, and mentally. People don't want to believe that but we are.

Many of you may agree with me when I say that female brains are different than male brains. They are different in the way that women tend to always be thinking of 50 things at the same time. We will think of one thing, then that will remind us of something else and then something else, and it goes on and on.  I didn't know the scientific reason for until recently. I learned in my Family Relations class that female brains contain more white matter than men. This white matter is connective tissue that connects one part of our brain to another. The male brain has less connections and less white matter, that is why most guys only focus on one thing at a time. When a guy is playing video games that is all he thinks about, the same with homework, work, or when he is with you. You can know that when he is thinking about you, that is all he is thinking about.

Don't think that one brain is better than the other, there are huge benefits and draw backs to both. For example, when a man has a job as an EMT, he sees so many horrible things. But he is able to get off work and focus on his family and not think about all those terrible things he saw because when he thinks of his family, that's all he thinks about. It would be harder for the brain with more white matter to not make connections back to those events.

 Some people are trying to take the differences of men and women away. But the important thing to remember is that men and woman were designed to work together and with each of our attributes, we are whole. We can do so much more working together because our uniqueness completes one another. I like the example of how women tend to be more vocal with their feelings and how men tend to show their feelings more through actions. With both of those, they can help one another and support each other. That is how it is meant to be.

With all of that said, don't ever limit yourself. Do not ever think that you cant accomplish something because you aren't a man or a woman. You can achieve pretty much anything you set your mind to as long as you are willing to work for it and push yourself.

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