Saturday, October 8, 2016

Social Class and Culture

What do you think of when you think of culture? Is it where someone grew up? Where they live now? How they act? What they do for a living? Do you think that culture is only their level of class?
The truth is all of these play a part in culture, it is not just one thing that contributes solely to someone's culture. We know that culture influences what we want to do in the future.
The thing I think is interesting is that even though people's cultures may differ, people can relate to each other no matter what. Circumstances of how people grew up can be the same even in different cultures and social class.
There are struggles in every family relationship, it doesn't matter what culture you grew up in or what social class you are a part of. There are problems in every culture and social class. There isn't a perfect way place to raise your family.
Some problems that we saw with families that grew up at the bottom of the social class is both parents having to work to support the family, but then the children don't have a relationship with their parents because they are gone so much. There's a lot more acting out and problems because there aren’t solid role models for the children. The parents are always stressed about money and how to provide for the family.
On the opposite end of the spectrum we have the people at the top of the social class. These people are often obsessed with money and always making more, so often both parents work which creates the same problem as the low class. They also don't have relationships with their children, causing their children to also act out. The only difference is that one makes a little more money than the other but they are still both obsessed with money. People in the middle class I feel are bit better off. They are able to have a happy medium of the two. Where the father can work, and provide for the family and the mom can stay home and provide comfort and security in the home. They focus on providing for the family and they don't always just think about money.
I am not saying that in every case it is bad to grow up in the low and high class and perfect in the middle class. The point I was trying to make is that just because someone is considered high class and has a lot of money, doesn’t mean their life is perfect. They can have the same problems as other classes.
I would imagine that the social class I grew up in would have been the low class, my family was always scraping by. But I feel that my living experience was just as good or better than people who grew up in a higher class. I learned all the skills I needed to be successful in life and I didn’t let the idea of being low class stop me from pursuing my dreams. You should never let the idea of social class or culture restrict you from growing and pursuing a better future for yourself and your family. Your only limit is the limit you set for yourself, you can be as strong as you want to be.

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