Saturday, October 22, 2016

RAM Model

This week I learned a new concept about dating that I had never though of before. It is called the RAM system. This system consists of 5 different parts, Know, Trust, Rely, Commit, and Touch. I thought it was really interesting because I had never used this in my life before and it makes so much sense! It is easy to let someone kiss you right after you figure out that you really like them, but is that what we should do? The RAM model says no.

It is supposed to start with knowing someone, you get to know who they are and what they are like. then you move onto trusting them. Trust is a really important factor on a relationship! But how can you trust someone, if you do not know them first? So after you trust them, you can then rely on them. when you know, trust and can rely on someone, then is when you commit to that person and not before. Finally it is when you are committed to that person that you should let them kiss you , or you should kiss them. Physical part of the relationship is really important, but also you should just kiss every person that comes along and flatters you. The RAM system has to go in that order, it doesn't work backwards. You should Commit to someone if you cant trust or rely on them, that is just dooming you to a bad relationship.

So learn from this, take this into the next relationship you have to avoid falling in love with a jerk and being stuck with them. I bet it will be worth it.

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